MUMS' Haven

Gentle Natural Birth

Gentle Natural Birth

At Mums' Haven, we believe that women are innately prepared for natural birth. We also believe that God gave women the emotional and the physical strength to experience this marvelous and incredible moment of giving birth while being totally awake. Our desire is to help you become educated so that you feel less fear about the natural birth process.

Some of the services we offer to natural birth clients include:

  • Natural birth in your in labor room instead of OR (available at some hospitals) so that you enjoy maximum privacy.
  • No hospital routine procedures nor medication (no IV, no routine CTG etc)
  • Freedom of movement in labor
  • No unnecessary vaginal exams by other doctors (vaginal exams are only done by your doctor and/or midwife and only after your permission)
  • Your family and your friends are welcome to attend the birth.
  • You are free to take any position that is good for you in labor and birth
  • No surgical interference/episiotomy (cut in birth)
  • Skin to skin bonding and baby is allowed to be breastfed right after birth
  • Optimal/delayed cord clamping
  • Pediatrician checks the baby in your arms after birth